Hi there,

We present you the greatest and most important Polish poet - Adam Mickiewicz. Here's a little quiz about him:

l   What is the title of the most important and the most famous Polish book written by Adam Mickiewicz?

l   In which literary movement did Adam Mickiewicz live?

l   What did Adam Mickiewicz do (except for writing literature)? Where did he work? 

l   Which country did the poet emigrate to?

l   Why did Mickiewicz have to leave his home country?

We have also prepared an exercise for you! Maybe you could try to unscramble our Polish verses?  

This is the beginning of the most popular book by Adam Mickiewicz. Good luck!

jesteś / zdrowie: / Litwo! / jak / Ojczyzno moja! / Ty

tylko / cię trzeba / dowie, / cię / Ile / stracił. / ten / cenić, / Kto / się

 w / piękność / całej / Dziś / ozdobie / twą / tobie. / Widzę i / tęsknię / bo / po / opisuję,

 Częstochowy / I w Ostrej / bronisz / co / Bramie! / Panno święta, / świecisz / Jasnej

ludem! / zamkowy / Nowogródzki / wiernym / co / ochraniasz / Ty, / z jego / gród


  1. Hi readers,

    Today we are answering your questions about Adam Mickiewicz. Here we go!

    1. We think that PanTadeusz, his epic poem, is his most important and famous book.

    2. He was part of the Romanticism movement.

    3. He was a literature teacher in France.

    4. He had to go into exile in Russia after 1824. After that, he was travelling around Europe and he finally settled down in France.

    5. He was a political activist, fighting for Polish independence. So, for such a reason, in 1824 he was forced to abandon Poland.

    Hope our answers are right!

    Bye for now.

  2. And this is the result of our unscarmble task:

    Pan Tadeusz

    Litwo! Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie:
    Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie,
    Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie
    Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie.
    Panno święta, co Jasnej bronisz Częstochowy
    I w Ostrej świecisz Bramie! Ty, co gród zamkowy
    Nowogródzki ochraniasz z jego wiernym ludem!


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